28 May 2015

Refreshed Blog

Due to my mass scheduling and my divided attention with my deviant art account, most of my works had an insurmountable amount of grammatical errors that I have fixed on deviant art but not on my blog with the help of my watchers. Today, I updated all of the captions with the revised works. Title alignment, additional story in some, altered story (to accommodate sequels and fill in plot holes)

I'd have done this sooner or given my blog a similar treatment as deviant art, but because I rarely receive comments here on this blog, the incentive isn't there, and the constructive criticism I get on DA isn't there either. The community just isn't as active as it is on DA unfortunately as this is a better medium for me, but alas.

One perk from the blog is that I can actually post the more risque porn-like captions without the threat of it being taken down. The blog is also a lot more stable in its longevity than DA.

Enough of my ranting, thanks for continuing to view my blog.


  1. Ahh, this makes sense... I already wondered "didn't I read this caption before?". :)

  2. Hey there Bro!!

    Long time follower of the blog, (and by extension your deviantart). Being honest I've wanted to be more active with feedback since I like quite a good few of your caps. I was also sitting my final year of Uni so while I was reading I didn't really take the time to comment and for that I apologise. Though I gotta say it was nice having a look here every now and then when I had a break so thanks. I also personally love the dynamic of different caps at different locations, it makes me feel special to see some here before they go on Deviantart but I also like the idea of the more edgy stuff being here in the future.

    I hope you'll continue to keep up the good work.


    1. lol just realised I call you bro, sorry about that, noticed on your profile that you are in fact, female. =D

